Wellbeing at Work

1 in 6 people experience mental health symptoms in any given week

Mental Health Organisation

At Talkmind, we understand that investing in your employees' mental health and
wellbeing can drastically improve the performance of your organisation

  • Make your employees feel valued in their role
  • Reduce absenteeism and presenteeism, and decrease staff turnover
  • Boost your employees morale and in turn productivity, motivation and performance

How can Talkmind help?

We have an experienced team of psychiatrists and therapists, and we partner with private GP(s) and other specialists to address preventative measures, diagnostic assessments and therapeutic intervention within the workplace.

We offer tailored, high quality all-in-one mental health wellbeing services along with tools to benefit your organisation, that are impactful flexible and innovative.

You can feel assured that, as a medic-led healthcare provider, our services are patient-led and of a high quality so that your team feel supported and can continue working even through some hardship.

12.7% of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions.

The Mental Health Foundation

Some reports state that 1 in 5 workers feel unable to manage stress and pressure at work.

Office for National Statistics

How can mental health problems impact on your organisation?

Some common areas of stress amongst your team may include:

  • Workload
  • Changes in the workplace
  • Management styles
  • Relationships in (and out of) the workplace
  • Personal related matters
  • Financial concerns
  • Societal shifts
  • Lack of organisation/line manager support
  • Access to the right help at the right time

Stress, when left unresolved, can lead to further complex mental health difficulties, which in turn can affect your employees’ performance.

With additional mental health support ingrained into your work culture, as an employer, you will have ‘peace of mind’ knowing that all of your employees will be safe and more confident within their work environment, even if they do not talk openly about their ongoing concerns.

How we can help you

We offer a range of services, which includes, but are not limited to:

  • Preventative measures including coaching workshops on how to manage stress and general work wellbeing, mental health awareness, preventing burnout, managing anxiety, stress, low mood, building resilience, managing anxiety about returning to offices and work post-lockdown and enhancing social connections.
  • Workshops relating to organisational consultancy, health promotion, awareness, prevention and mental health strategies and policies.
  • One off or ongoing confidential assessments to address and treat any outstanding mental or physical health issues.
  • Diagnostic neurodiversity (ADHD, Autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia) and cognitive (IQ tests) assessments by GMC-registered doctors and Clinical Psychologists. About 10% of employees are thought to be neurodiverse. We can offer insights and advise on how to support your neurodiverse workforce.
  • Offer specialist assessments for employees vulnerable at increased risk of psychological harm (e.g., professionals at risk of vicarious trauma, such social workers, police officers, employees working in corporations where stressful situations can lead to features of anxiety / PTSD-like phenomena).
  • We are also happy to offer our services to your employees immediate family such as a spouse, partner or children.

Neurodiversity diagnostic assessments (e.g., for Autism and / or ADHD) waiting times on the NHS can be up to 3 years, and for general mental health illnesses, routine assessment waiting lists can be up to 6 months.

Poor mental health is costing employers between £33 and £42 billion each year.

Investors in People, a UK Government’s mental health review ‘Thriving at Work’

Mental ill health is the primary reason for long term workplace absence.

Future Care Capital

Contact Us

To find out more about how we can help you and your
employees, please contact us using the details below or
fill out the form to schedule a call with us.